Could the Family Knowledge Process be stored on DNA?

Digital Storage used to integrate personal event knowledge with family keepsakes

This article in COMPUTERWORD could take the way we store knowledge on an amazing path.

Researchers can store data in DNA; the hard part is retrieving it

I was also intrigued by this comment  in the article, “For example, an external hard drive about the size of a paperback book can back up 5TB of data and might last 50 years.” It seems that we have the ability to store information in DNA but no one knows exactly how long magnetic and digital storage will last. One thing is certain the last number that I read was 20 years for digital storage … so at least the number is going up.

Digital Storage Device and the family knowledge process

KEEP Knowing

About Soul Assets

Soul Assets exists for a soul purpose, to educate families with survival skills to KEEP family knowledge in the Information Age. Soul Assets is the place for families to share skills of the Family Knowledge Process. Imagine, fifty years from now, people inheriting keepsakes that are welcomed by the next family because they were treasured as Soul Assets.