How to Use Pinterest to KEEP Family Stories About Prized Possessions

Pinterest How to

If you’ve watched TV’s Antiques Roadshow, you’ll understand why I’ve included a separate category called Prized Possessions for the Family Knowledge Process.


In this article I’m sharing another quick method of saving your prized possessions knowledge using Pinterest. The benefits of using the Pinterest method and the Family Knowledge Process are:

  • It keeps the story straight for your family to share with all family members.
  • Digitally setting up a Prized Possession pin board allows you the freedom and choice to keep the item, or to give the physical item away while still enjoying its digital dreaming.
  • It’s handy for tracking valuable items, and is a reference point if the item become damaged, renovated, lost or stolen. See my article: What if?
  • A Prized Possession page imparts a sense of dreaming about the original family who owned it, and provides character and dimension surrounding the life of the family.
Est Year: Disposal Year: PP Name: PP Owner: PP Story:

Est Year: Disposal Year: PP Name: PP Owner: PP Story:

Family possessions hold a remarkable ability to have a family dreaming attached to them. Just like the Australian Aboriginals’ culture, the story of how an artefact came to be is verbally passed from generation to generation.

Unfortunately, this verbal history surrounding Prized Possessions seems to become fragmented and morphs into a different story as it’s passed down, sometimes with only a whiff of the original story’s truth still attached.

Therefore, recording a keepsake’s story needs to be quick so that each family retains the most accurate story. In my last article: Your First Camera, Remember? I provided a free Prized Possession Word Template for you to use in capturing your family stories.

About Soul Assets

Soul Assets exists for a soul purpose, to educate families with survival skills to KEEP family knowledge in the Information Age. Soul Assets is the place for families to share skills of the Family Knowledge Process. Imagine, fifty years from now, people inheriting keepsakes that are welcomed by the next family because they were treasured as Soul Assets.