Digital Dreaming approved for print production

Digital Dreaming -Your Step-by-Step Guide for keeping your family mementos

Hit the Print Button.

Today is a milestone for Soul Assets and the publication of Digital Dreaming. The e-proofs have been approved and the manuscript is being prepared for printing. The Balboa production team have advised …

“Once we perform one last Quality Assurance Check on both the cover and interior files (this usually takes about one day), the approved manuscript will be sent to our content evaluation team for the final evaluation of your manuscript (this will take 2-3 days). As soon as your manuscript passes review, the printing files will be sent to the printer for activation. This process takes approximately 5-7 business days to complete. Once this process is complete, your book will be available in the marketplace for purchase.”

My next post will be announcing when the book is available to be purchased.

About Soul Assets

Soul Assets exists for a soul purpose, to educate families with survival skills to KEEP family knowledge in the Information Age. Soul Assets is the place for families to share skills of the Family Knowledge Process. Imagine, fifty years from now, people inheriting keepsakes that are welcomed by the next family because they were treasured as Soul Assets.